Prof. Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, Ph.D.
Development of Microwave Sensors for Disaster and Environmental Monitoring
This talk will introduce the development of unmanned aerial vehicles, aircraft, high altitude platform systems (HAPS), and microsatellite onboard multiband microwave sensors called circularly polarized synthetic aperture radar (CP-SAR) for disaster and environmental monitoring. The development of this multiplatform CP-SAR includes the international research and education collaboration on microwave remote sensing that has been promoted by the Center for Environmental Remote Sensing of Chiba University for environmental and disaster monitoring since 2005. The international education in this research includes a double degree program, short/long stay programs, a world-class professor program, a visiting professor, a postdoctoral program under a Japanese governmental program, and overseas governments to promote high skills and knowledge on microwave remote sensing. We hope this research and education activities could boost the development of microwave remote sensors for future Earth and planetary missions.